Tom Johnston Road

Tom Johnston Road, Dundee, DD4 8XD 261,360 sq ft


The site is relatively level and is bounded to the west with Sainsburys, and to the east of established industrial. The rear boundary is with Dighty Water and the site has extensive frontage to Tom Johnston Road. The site extends to approximately 6.00 acres (2.43 Ha).


The site is located to the east of and adjacent to the existing 70,000 sq ft approx. Sainsburys foodstore, petrol filling station and KFC drive thru. The property is located at Claypotts, close to Broughty Ferry town centre, and is highly visible from the busy A92 which is the main road linking Dundee City Centre (4 miles) to the west, with Arbroath, Carnoustie, etc. to the east.

Tenure Information


Rating Assessment

Rateable Year: details on request
Rateable Value: details on request
Rates Payable: details on request


Strictly by appointment.

Legal Costs

Each party is responsible for their own legal and other professional costs incurred in the transaction.




Location Map