Altrincham |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham, Lloyd Street, Altrincham, WA14 2SU |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
Altrincham |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Altrincham |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury, Unit 1, Banbury, OX16 1HE |
Retail Park |
1,216 sq ft |
Banbury |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
Retail Park |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
Retail Park |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
New Wharf Road |
Retail Park |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
Retail Park |
985 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
6 Thorley Centre |
Retail Park |
795 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
Retail Park |
777 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
7 Bocking End |
Retail Park |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Bramhall |
Retail Park |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
157-162 Western Road |
Retail Park |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
Retail Park |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Prestige Works |
Retail Park |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
Retail Park |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
Retail Park |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 27 |
Retail Park |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
Retail Park |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
74-94 High Street |
Retail Park |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Tom Johnston Road |
Retail Park |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
72-74 High Street North |
Retail Park |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
Retail Park |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
Retail Park |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
Retail Park |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
62 Oxford Street |
Retail Park |
667 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
Retail Park |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
Retail Park |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
Retail Park |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
72-76 Camden High Street |
Retail Park |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Clapham High Street |
Retail Park |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
Retail Park |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
William House |
Retail Park |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
Retail Park |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
Retail Park |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 12 |
Retail Park |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Newport, Albany Street |
Retail Park |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
Retail Park |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 3 |
Retail Park |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
Retail Park |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
New Squares |
Retail Park |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Marsh Mills |
Retail Park |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
Retail Park |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
Retail Park |
552 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
Retail Park |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
Retail Park |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
Retail Park |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Former Wilko - Romford |
Retail Park |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
Retail Park |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
65 |
Retail Park |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
Retail Park |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
Retail Park |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
Retail Park |
784 sq ft |
- |
Banbury |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
Retail Park |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
New Wharf Road, Wharf Road, Biddulph, ST8 7JP |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
Biddulph |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Biddulph |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061, Alcester Road South, Birmingham, B14 5TN |
Office |
985 sq ft |
Birmingham |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
Office |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
Office |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
New Wharf Road |
Office |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
Office |
985 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
6 Thorley Centre |
Office |
795 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
Office |
777 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
7 Bocking End |
Office |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Bramhall |
Office |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
157-162 Western Road |
Office |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
Office |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Prestige Works |
Office |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
Office |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
Office |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 27 |
Office |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
Office |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
74-94 High Street |
Office |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Tom Johnston Road |
Office |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
72-74 High Street North |
Office |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
Office |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
Office |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
Office |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
62 Oxford Street |
Office |
667 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
Office |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
Office |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
Office |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
72-76 Camden High Street |
Office |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Clapham High Street |
Office |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
Office |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
William House |
Office |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
Office |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
Office |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 12 |
Office |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Newport, Albany Street |
Office |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
Office |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 3 |
Office |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
Office |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
New Squares |
Office |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Marsh Mills |
Office |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
Office |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
Office |
552 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
Office |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
Office |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
Office |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Former Wilko - Romford |
Office |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
Office |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
65 |
Office |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
Office |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
Office |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
Office |
784 sq ft |
- |
Birmingham |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
Office |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
6 Thorley Centre, Unit 6 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 4EG |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
Bishop's Stortford |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley, Unit 2, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 4EG |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
Bishop's Stortford |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Bishop's Stortford |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
7 Bocking End, Bocking End, Braintree, CM7 9AE |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
Braintree |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Braintree |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Bramhall, 14 Woodford Road, Bramhall, SK7 1LL |
Office |
2,967 sq ft |
Bramhall |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
Office |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
Office |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
New Wharf Road |
Office |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
Office |
985 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
6 Thorley Centre |
Office |
795 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
Office |
777 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
7 Bocking End |
Office |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Bramhall |
Office |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
157-162 Western Road |
Office |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
Office |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Prestige Works |
Office |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
Office |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
Office |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 27 |
Office |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
Office |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
74-94 High Street |
Office |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Tom Johnston Road |
Office |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
72-74 High Street North |
Office |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
Office |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
Office |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
Office |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
62 Oxford Street |
Office |
667 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
Office |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
Office |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
Office |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
72-76 Camden High Street |
Office |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Clapham High Street |
Office |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
Office |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
William House |
Office |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
Office |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
Office |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 12 |
Office |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Newport, Albany Street |
Office |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
Office |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 3 |
Office |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
Office |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
New Squares |
Office |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Marsh Mills |
Office |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
Office |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
Office |
552 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
Office |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
Office |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
Office |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Former Wilko - Romford |
Office |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
Office |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
65 |
Office |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
Office |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
Office |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
Office |
784 sq ft |
- |
Bramhall |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
Office |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
157-162 Western Road, Western Road, Brighton, BN1 2BB |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
Brighton |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Brighton |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Rear of 65-67 High Street, High Street, Buntingford, SG9 9AE |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
Buntingford |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Buntingford |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Prestige Works, Prestige Works, Burnley, BB11 1BS |
120302 |
2,953 sq ft |
Burnley |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
120302 |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
120302 |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
New Wharf Road |
120302 |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
120302 |
985 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
6 Thorley Centre |
120302 |
795 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
120302 |
777 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
7 Bocking End |
120302 |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Bramhall |
120302 |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
157-162 Western Road |
120302 |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
120302 |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Prestige Works |
120302 |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
120302 |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
120302 |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 27 |
120302 |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
120302 |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
74-94 High Street |
120302 |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Tom Johnston Road |
120302 |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
72-74 High Street North |
120302 |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
120302 |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
120302 |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
120302 |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
62 Oxford Street |
120302 |
667 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
120302 |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
120302 |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
120302 |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
72-76 Camden High Street |
120302 |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Clapham High Street |
120302 |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
120302 |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
William House |
120302 |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
120302 |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
120302 |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 12 |
120302 |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Newport, Albany Street |
120302 |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
120302 |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 3 |
120302 |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
120302 |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
New Squares |
120302 |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Marsh Mills |
120302 |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
120302 |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
120302 |
552 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
120302 |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
120302 |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
120302 |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Former Wilko - Romford |
120302 |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
120302 |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
65 |
120302 |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
120302 |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
120302 |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
120302 |
784 sq ft |
- |
Burnley |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
120302 |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre, Unit 8, Chertsey, KT16 9AG |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
Chertsey |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
High Street |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
High Street |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
New Wharf Road |
High Street |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
High Street |
985 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
6 Thorley Centre |
High Street |
795 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
High Street |
777 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
7 Bocking End |
High Street |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Bramhall |
High Street |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
157-162 Western Road |
High Street |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
High Street |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Prestige Works |
High Street |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
High Street |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 27 |
High Street |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
High Street |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
74-94 High Street |
High Street |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Tom Johnston Road |
High Street |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
72-74 High Street North |
High Street |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
High Street |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
High Street |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
High Street |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
62 Oxford Street |
High Street |
667 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
High Street |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
High Street |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
High Street |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
72-76 Camden High Street |
High Street |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Clapham High Street |
High Street |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
High Street |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
William House |
High Street |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
High Street |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
High Street |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 12 |
High Street |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Newport, Albany Street |
High Street |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
High Street |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 3 |
High Street |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
High Street |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
New Squares |
High Street |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Marsh Mills |
High Street |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
High Street |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
High Street |
552 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
High Street |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
High Street |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
High Street |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Former Wilko - Romford |
High Street |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
High Street |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
65 |
High Street |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Stoke-on-Trent, London Road |
High Street |
62,117 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit Adjacent to Sainsbury's Supermarket, 66 Cornard Road |
High Street |
1,664 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
Unit 2 Silksworth Lane |
High Street |
784 sq ft |
- |
Chertsey |
31-57 The Lower Parade |
High Street |
37,530 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices, 71-75 High Street, Chislehurst, BR7 5AG |
Office |
20,096 sq ft |
Chislehurst |
Lloyd Street, Altrincham |
Office |
1,018 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 1 Walker Road, Banbury |
Office |
1,216 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
New Wharf Road |
Office |
3,654 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
2nd Floor Offices, 1059-1061 |
Office |
985 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
6 Thorley Centre |
Office |
795 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 2 Thorley Neighbourhood Centre, Thorley |
Office |
777 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
7 Bocking End |
Office |
12,679 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Bramhall |
Office |
2,967 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
157-162 Western Road |
Office |
23,438 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Rear of 65-67 High Street |
Office |
4,263 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Prestige Works |
Office |
2,953 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 8 The Sainsbury's Centre |
Office |
1,800 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
1st and 2nd Floor Offices |
Office |
20,096 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 27 |
Office |
17,031 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
15-17 Britannia Way, Clyde Shopping Centre |
Office |
15,331 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
74-94 High Street |
Office |
29,580 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Tom Johnston Road |
Office |
261,360 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
72-74 High Street North |
Office |
8,050 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit MSU2A, Swan Centre |
Office |
12,021 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 29, Guildhall Shopping Centre |
Office |
12,668 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 3 Kettering Retail Park |
Office |
15,897 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
62 Oxford Street |
Office |
667 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Former Wilko - Kidderminster |
Office |
36,177 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
1st Floor, 2-4 Eden Walk |
Office |
3,226 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 3, Almondvale Retail Park |
Office |
20,030 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
72-76 Camden High Street |
Office |
25,965 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Clapham High Street |
Office |
5,807 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Offices, 13-15 Hall Lane |
Office |
8,844 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
William House |
Office |
8,746 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Wilton Road, Pimlico |
Office |
1,053 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Manchester, Heaton Park Road |
Office |
44,736 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 12 |
Office |
12,603 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Newport, Albany Street |
Office |
101,843 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
15 Princes Walk Grosvenor Shopping Centre, The Grosvenor Centre |
Office |
41,861 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 3 |
Office |
20,058 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Colwick Loop Road - Development Site |
Office |
74,488 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
New Squares |
Office |
5,888 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Marsh Mills |
Office |
1,844 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 1 & 2 Sainsbury's Centre |
Office |
1,337 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 4 Sainsbury's Centre, Potters Bar |
Office |
552 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Reading, Calcot, Bath Road |
Office |
112,428 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 1 Abbey Retail Park |
Office |
9,987 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Unit 4, 18 Meeting House Lane, Ringwood |
Office |
1,153 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
Former Wilko - Romford |
Office |
47,743 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
LSU 2a, Rugby Central |
Office |
36,501 sq ft |
- |
Chislehurst |
65 |
Office |
2,226 sq ft |
- |
| |